Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sinful Brownies

Sometimes blueberries, a piece of dried fruit, or a chunk of chocolate just doesn't do it. You're trying (and failing) to study for your midterm but instead you're home on Pinterest and throughout all the other pins "slutty brownies" just keep popping up!

What are slutty brownies?

Heaven. They are heaven.

This truly monstrous dessert starts off with a layer of chocolate chip cookie dough, followed by a layer of Oreo's spread out on top, until this is all hidden under a layer of brownie mix and baked in the oven for what feels like are the longest 45 minutes ever. A friend and I made this on a whim when we thought of nothing better to do but simply enjoy each others company and spend the day laughing and messing around in the kitchen.


Warning though that these "filthy and easy " brownies (hence the name) are super sweet and about 10x better when followed by a glass of milk or tea. There's no real recipe for them since I made mine with store bought mixes but incase you need a bit of help here is a great recipe that should be some help. I followed another recipe (that I can't find now) which told me to bake them for 45 minutes but 30 (or I'd say 35 minutes?) sounds a bit better since mine turned out on the dry side :/

Hope you have great success with yours if you choose to make them!

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