Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spice Cake!

Baked: April 10th, 2010

A couple weeks ago at school I had been walking around during lunch when I saw a hue group of students huddling around a table, digging into a certain something. I lean over a couple of their heads to see a bunch of forks digging into spice cake! Let me remind you that up until now I hadn't had spice cake very often and I wasn't really sure how it tasted, but after I had my first bite I knew that I had to make it for the people at PATH... asap! So I asked my teacher, Ms. Fauber, for the recipe and she said she actually used cake mix for it (thank you Duncan Hines!) and it was simply called "Spice Cake". So I bought the cake mix, made it once for my self and my math class, and they completely adored it! I went home, googled a recipe for "spice cake" and found this link:

I decided to use a food network recipe because it is a bit more reliable. It got great reviews so I headed out to the market, picked up my supplies and come Saturday morning, I got to work. Here are some pictures:

The cake was again pretty easy to make, so I think next time I'm going to go for something a bit more challenging...I'm thinking cinnamon buns? Anyways, I thought it would be pretty fun to make a design on the cake to give it a little bit of edge, so I drew on a star. I did this by mixing some cinnamon with sugar, putting it in a bag, snipping off the end and just using it as a "piping pencil" for the design. The extra cupcake I made using the batter was pretty delicious, so I hope they enjoyed the cake! This cake would be great for all occasions and it really is a crowd pleaser--make it whenever! Thanks for reading and until next time, stay blissful!

The Blissful Baker

Kosher for Passover Rocky-Road Brownies!

Baked: April 3rd 2010

Hello all! I have been quite MIA for a while because school has been a bit crazy with homework and the SAT's just passed, but I have a couple of posts for the former weeks that I think you will enjoy! A couple weeks ago I was debating on what to make for the people at PATH because it was Passover and I couldn't make anything with bread! So I talked to my friend, Lauren, and she suggested I make these amazing Rocky-Road Brownies that her mom always makes around passover because they are kosher. They were pretty easy to make and I just had to add some matza meal to give it that "cake" taste. I used kosher marshmallows and regular chocolate chips for the brownies. I can't seem to find the recipe but here are some pictures so you can see!

They were really easy to make and they tasted delicious! delicious as they can be for Passover at least! I drizzled them with some chocolate on top to give them a little bit of a cool design too. Next year if you're looking for a kosher for passover brownie recipe, definately use this one! Thanks for reading and until next time...stay blissful!

The Blissful Baker