Friday, March 1, 2013

Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's the weeekendddddd!!!!!!! After a hectic and stressful week of school, it is finally time to relax and enjoy the b-e-a-utiful 80 degree weather Los Angeles seems to be blessed with for the next couple of days.  I'll be welcoming the long weekend (Friday class was cancelled for some odd/amazing reason) by spending hours at the beach, stirring up some type of mess in the kitchen, and studying a bit if I choose to be the good student I know I should be... To celebrate the gorgeous weekend ahead, I've decided to share with all of you this recipe for the most insanely delectable chocolate white chocolate chip cookies on earth. If you live in LA, you've hopefully tried Diddy Reese at one point in your life and you've hopefully (if you're anything like me) gotten the massive ice cream sandwich with the chocolate white chocolate chip cookies. They kind of stand out from the crowd of other traditional cookies with their dark brown-black cookie dough and white chocolate chips peeking out -- but don't be afraid to try these puppies because they're truly one of a kind and unlike anything else. I haven't seen them in too many other bake shops around so I thought, why not try to make them myself?

Now is the time to admit that baking cookies honestly scare me a bit since the timing of everything is crucial. When you bake a cake that is done anywhere between 30-35 minutes, there's a whole 5 minute window of when you can take out the cake before it suddenly becomes too late and you enter panic mode (like I usually do). But when you bake cookies, the difference between taking them out at 12 minutes and 15 minutes is prettty much huge. The cookies will burn on the edges, they'll turn to rocks in a few hours, and you'll be stuck baking a new batch of cookies while wasting any butter or sanity you have left....

So when this recipe instructed me to "Bake for exactly 15 minutes (the cookies will seem underdone)" I was hesitant but trusted my instincts that this baker would help me get the perfect cookies still crisp on the outside yet chewy on the inside. What were the results? Better than I could ever ask for! 15 minutes was spot on for the cookies. After they cooled (which for some reason always takes forever when it's 10 pm and all you can do is crave.a.cookie), I took a huge bite into one of these bad boys and enjoyed a deliciously moist chocolatey center that told me I just struck gold with this recipe. Hope you have great results with them too if you give this recipe a shot, which you really should do, and email me if you have any questions or need some help! Hope you guys have a great weekend and enjoy this pictures!

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